MEMBERSHIP PETITION CANDIDATE INFORMATION * = Required Candidate Name* Candidate Address* Candidate City* Candidate State* Candidate Zip* Candidate Phone* Candidate Email* TEMPLE INFORMATION Shrine Temple* Member # Shrine ID# How long have you been a Shriner?* Shrine City Shrine State Shrine ZIP Shrine FAX Shrine Email LODGE INFORMATION Lodge* Lodge Number* Lodge City* Lodge State* Lodge ZIP Lodge Phone SPOUSE INFORMATION (optional) Spouse Name ACTIVE MEMBER ENDORSEMENTS Kops Endorser's Name* Kops Endorser's Nickname Kops Endorser's Phone 2nd Kops Endorser's Name* 2nd Kops Endorser's Nickname 2nd Kops Endorser's Phone Your Signature* I authorize the verification of the information provided on this form as to my eligibility for membership. Please write your signature in the box below Today's Date* Upon submitting your petition you will be redirected to the DUES & FEES page where you will need to add BOTH the NEW MEMBER FEE ($110.00) and the DUES ($35.00) to your cart for a total of $145.00. Then, checkout. At checkout, your information will need to be re-entered for confirmation and the PayPal Transaction Fee of $4.51 will be added to the total. [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response] 48613